Respiratory Treatment
The respiratory system is divided into the Upper and Lower respiratory tracts. The term Respiratory Tract Infection means that viruses or bacteria have infected the upper or lower respiratory tracts. Respiratory Tract Infections represent the most common acute illnesses evaluated in the outpatient setting and the most common reason patients seek medical advice.
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections include the throat (pharynx), the nasal cavity, the nostrils, the middle ear (otitis media), the tonsils and the voice box (larynx) which forms the entrance to the lower respiratory system. These infections can cause colds, sinusitis, throat infection (pharyngitis), tonsillitis, laryngitis, influenza and whooping cough (pertussis). Upper Respiratory Tract Infections are usually caused by a virus (i.e. they are viral), but they can also be caused by bacteria or even fungi.
Lower respiratory tract infections include the windpipe (trachea), the lungs (pneumonia) (and within the lungs the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli). They can cause pneumonia, influenza, bronchitis, bronchiolitis and croup (infection of the trachea). These are serious infections usually caused by microbes (germs) and not viruses, i.e. they are (usually) microbial infections. Their treatment often requires hospitalization.
Articles sources: 01. 02.
Medical devices included in this category and are used in respiratory therapy treatments:

Portable Oxygen Concentrator Inogen One G3

Innospire Elegance Compressor Nebulizer System

Everflo Oxygen Concentrator
area of activity
Western Greece