Urinary Incontinence Care
Urinary Incontinence is an involuntary urination which can cause hygiene problems or problems of social acceptance. Urinary Incontinence is a symptom, a clinical manifestation and not a disease. In some cases, patients who undergo a urinary check are advised to catheterize through the use of intermittent catheters.
Intermittent catheters are used by both women and men of any age who experience problems in retaining and emptying the bladder. A thin and flexible catheter is inserted through the urethra into the bladder to empty it. Once the bladder is empty the catheter is removed and discarded.
Urinary Incontinence Care Products :

Intermittent Catheter Lofric Origo Male/Nelaton Ch

Intermittent Catheter Lofric Hydro-Kit Ii Female
area of activity
Western Greece